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Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Di baca 1203 kali

The State Secretariat never received a Rolls-Royce Silver Spur sedan from the director general of customs and excise. Based on a letter from the Vehicle Division of the General Affairs Bureau at the State Secretariat, dated Dec.17, 2008, on the motor vehicle from the Finance Ministry, the Rolls-Royce sedan was intended for the chairman of the Assets Audit Team of the ex-Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency at the Finance Ministry and the Asset Management Company (PPA).

The State Secretariat stated its rejection to the Rolls-Royce offer from the director general of customs and excise, because the sedan was in such a poor condition and would have cost a large sum of money to repair.

A number of ambulances and electric medical beds were donated by the government of Taiwan to the Vice President, which will be distributed in coordination with the Health Ministry for further delivery to relevant hospitals across Indonesia. The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) is authorized to audit the management and distribution of the aid.

With regard to the more than Rp 1 trillion worth of occupancy fees for the Senayan compound, which reportedly went missing, there has been no mismanagement in running the complex. The State Secretariat acknowledges, however, it has a different perception from that of Finance Ministry concerning the target income from the state's non-tax revenue.

The Finance Ministry maintains that the utilization of land/assets in the entire Gelora Bung Karno stadium in Senayan should be subject to the same rental pattern, while some government agencies in the compound are not liable to that pattern. The State Secretariat has reported the matter to the President, who has instructed that a thorough investigation be carried out promptly.

Djadjuk Natsir
Head, Organization and Public Relations Bureau
State Secretariat




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