President: Higher Education Must Facilitate Students to Develop Talents

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Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021
Di baca 733 kali

The rapid world changes marked by the industrial revolution 4.0 and technological disruption need to be addressed carefully. A wise attitude is needed in developing technology as well as actively acquiring new technologies, mainly digital technology, to deal with the changes.


On this matter, President Joko Widodo deems that human resources (HR) development must be a concern. The world of education, especially higher education, must facilitate students to develop their talents.


"The HR really must be our concern. Our higher education must facilitate students to develop their talents. Don't be fenced off by faculty study programs that are actually shackled the talents," the President stated when giving directions to the participants of the XXIII Batch of Brief Education Program (PPSA) and the LXII Batch of Forces Regular Education Program (PPRA) of the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.


According to him, many jobs will disappear in the future, and there will be many new types of jobs. Therefore, students must catch up with various sciences developments such as statistical mathematics, computer science, English, and programming languages.


"We will be left behind if we do not anticipate these developments. So, medical faculties should start having courses on robotics as soon as possible. Updating new skills with technology is a must because what teachers teach this semester will be outdated in the next semester," he said.


Therefore, the Head of State reminded that universities and colleges must encourage their students to study anywhere with anyone, dare try new things, and not be stuck with routines. For example, to open doors for students to learn at a technology company.


"Send students in a technology company to learn such as hyperloop, Splash X, and advanced robotic. It is imperative because the world changes rapidly," he added.


In addition, higher education must also be able to produce students who are superior and intact, physically and mentally healthy, and have good character and strong nationalism. It means the f universities are responsible for educating on campus and off-campus.


"While students are educated about nationality and Pancasila in campuses, they are then taught to be extremists or radicals outside campuses. Do not let this happen," he said. (JAS/WKA-Public Relations of the Ministry of State Secretariat)

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