President Jokowi Inaugurates Edy Nasution as Riau Governor

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Senin, 27 November 2023
Di baca 479 kali

President Joko Widodo officially inaugurated Brigadier General (Ret.) Edy Nasution as Riau Governor for the remaining period of the 2019-2024 term of office. The inauguration ceremony was held at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, November 27, 2023.


Before being inaugurated, Edy Nasution first received an excerpt of the Presidential Decree at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. He then carried out a carnival procession to the State Palace together with President Joko Widodo, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno.


The inauguration of Edy as the Riau Governor was held in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 114/P of 2023 on Ratification of the Dismissal of the Deputy Governor of Riau for the 2019-2024 term of office and Ratification of the Appointment of the Governor of Riau for the remainder of the 2019-2024 term of office.


The decision letter was read by the Deputy for Apparatus Administration of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Nanik Purwanti. Edy Nasution also officially assumed his duties as Governor of Riau after taking the oath of office by the Head of State.


"I swear that I will fulfill my obligations as governor as best as possible and fairly, uphold the 1945 Constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia and carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible and be devoted to the community, homeland and nation," said the President, dictating part of the oath of office.


In his statement after the inauguration, Edy Nasution said that he would continue the programs that had been carried out so far. According to him, the program is the vision and mission of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Riau Province.


"Hopefully we can end it well," said Edy in front of the media crew.


The inauguration ceremony then ended with the congratulations by President Jokowi, followed by the invitees. Also present at the inauguration ceremony were the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Chairman Isma Yatun, Attorney General St. Burhanuddin, Deputy Chairperson of the Judicial Commission (KY) Siti Nurdjanah, Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court (MA) Sunarto, and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.


Also present in the event were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Military Commander General Agus Subiyanto, and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. (JAS/Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of the Presidential Secretariat)

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