Sambutan Presiden pada Pertemuan Bilateral Presiden Republik Indonesia Dan Perdana Menteri Singapura

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Selasa, 25 Januari 2022
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The Sanchaya Resort Bintan, Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

Presiden RI:

Selamat datang di Indonesia, Perdana Menteri Lee dan Delegasi Singapura.


Kehormatan bagi kami sebagai tuan rumah menerima Perdana Menteri Lee dan delegasi di Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. Dan sudah waktunya bagi PM Lee dan saya untuk duduk kembali dan membahas upaya penguatan kerja sama bilateral.


Tahun ini juga merupakan tahun peringatan 55 tahun hubungan diplomatik Indonesia dan Singapura. Saya yakin, ke depan hubungan antara dua negara akan semakin kuat.


Dan saya persilakan PM Lee untuk pernyataan pembuka.


Perdana Menteri Singapura, Y. M. Lee Hsien Loong:

Let me thank President Jokowi again for welcoming me and my delegation to this Leaders’ Retreat in Bintan.


Very happy to be here because our last retreat was more than two years ago, usually we meet every year, but with Covid it was not being possible.


We have had informal meetings on the sideline of other conferences like the G20 in Rome recently. But a retreat is important, because we are very close neighbours and partners of each other, and there is a lot which we work together on and many issues always to discuss when we gathered.


At this time, particularly there is a significant progress on several major items on our agenda, we are signing several agreements today which will have a long term significants, and I am very happy that we are meeting in such a warm and cooperative atmosphere in order to make it happen and bless the proceedings.


Thank you.