Sambutan Presiden RI dan Presiden Finlandia, State Dinner..., Jakarta, 3 November 2015

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Selasa, 03 November 2015
Di baca 1217 kali








Presiden Republik Indonesia:


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,


Your Excellency Mr. Sauli Niinisto and Mrs. Jenni Haukio,

Distinguished Delegates of Finland,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good evening,


Welcome to Jakarta. I'm pleased to host this dinner tonight for the President of Finland and the First Lady, and Distinguished Delegates.


As we know, Finland is home to Nokia and Angry Bird that became examples of the creativity and hardwork of Finland, something that we want to learn also from Finland because Indonesia has many creative potential. Moreover, Finland continues to innovate, including in green technology and renewable energy.


In the future, I hope we can continue to this cooperation, and I believe that people-to-people relations become strong in international relationships. So, that is why we also need to promote people-to-people relations to cultural and tourism exchange between our two countries.


Your Excellency Mr. President,

Distinguished Guests,

To conclude my remarks, allow me to invite Your Excellency and all guests to stand and raise your glass. Let us toast to peace, welfare, and prosperity of our two nations and people. Thank you.


Wassalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.


Presiden Finlandia:

Your Excellency President Joko Widodo,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


This is the first time I visited Indonesia, and I'm already very taken by the beauty, friendliness and hospitality of your country. And after this wonderful dinner, we were wondering with my wife, how many Indonesian kitchens we have in Helsinki. And to create that, there has to be more.


Finland and Indonesia have a long and smooth relationship. Last year, we celebrated our 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Our relationship has always been based on mutual trust, respect and long-term learning from one another.


By taking only a quick glance, it may seem that Finland and Indonesia are very different. We are geographically far away from each other, and the weather conditions are different from one another. We are so different in size: Indonesia being one of the biggest countries in the world, and Finland belongs to the group of the smaller ones.


But with a closer look, one may also notice many similarities. Indonesia has the largest archipelago in the world, and Finland the largest in Europe. This actually does the both to understand and find solutions to the challenges in movement, transport and communication.


Surprisingly, there are also few similarities between our languages, and some expressions in bahasa Indonesia have the same meaning in Finnish, such as "sama suku". I am delighted to be here, among people of "sama suku", and develop our friendship even further.


Whether we are more alike or different, I know for certain we have many things to offer to each other. Complimenting each other’s efforts and strengthening will bring added value to both. This applies to various fields, such as tourism, culture, economy and politics.


Nature is one of the similarities between our countries can be found. It is a place for pleasure and relaxation, and a matter of pride for both of us. Indonesia and its warmly beautiful natures are well-known everywhere in the world.


It’s another surprise that the influence of nature and geography are reflected in both nation's culture. Some Indonesian bands, like Noxa and White Shoes and The Couples Company, have performed in Finland. And Finnish bands, like Children of Bodom and the deaf rap artist Signmark, have performed here in Indonesia.


When speaking about music, I must admit we were very positively taken to learn that you, Mr. President, are a dedicated fan of heavy metal music. Finland happens to be the promised land of heavy metal music.


Foreign policy area, in which Finland and Indonesia have found the same tone several times. The United Nations has been a natural platform for our cooperation. Our participation in peacekeeping started in Sinai in the 1950s, and we have searched simultaneously in the UNIFIL Operation in Lebanon. Experiences and expertise in mediation also tied our countries together.


We have followed Indonesia’s success and reform for growth with great interests. The turmoil of the global economic situation has not been able to shake Indonesia’s determination to make the society more dynamic and competitive even though turbulence can be felt everywhere due to the growing interdependence in world economy.


Economic cooperation is the core of our relations. Your ambitious reforms in energy and infrastructure sectors among others have not gone unnoticed in Finland. Proof of that is after increasing value of trade and, like we have tomorrow, to take promise of about to double it in one year’s time.


With this, first, I would like to once again thank for possibility of visiting your wonderful country, and thank you for very good discussions, a lovely dinner. If I may, I would like to propose toast for the future, very successful cooperation of our countries. Thank you.


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