                                                                                    Provisional TranslationÂ
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Greetings to all,
Honorable Speaker,
Deputy Speakers and Members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia,
Distinguished Chairperson,
Deputy Chairpersons and Members of the State Institutions,
Excellencies Ambassadors and Heads of International Agencies and Organizations,
Fellow Countrymen,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
         Let us, once again, raise our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, God the Almighty, for His blessings and grace bestowed upon us and for the opportunity, fortitude and health that allow us to continue with our dedication, our works, our duties and devotion to our beloved nation and state. I would like to avail myself of this happy and, Insya Allah, God Willing, filled with blessings, to express my appreciation to the House, for providing me with the opportunity to deliver this State Address and the Government Statement on the Draft State Revenues and Expenditures (Draft State Budget) for 2009 and its Financial Note.       Â
         Insya Allah, in two more days, we are going to commemorate the moments of the Indonesian nation’s 63rd independence proclamation. On such a historic occasion, let us collectively pay the highest tribute to our national freedom fighters and heroes, as well as to our founding fathers. We owe them for their services and sacrifices, by preserving our sovereignty and unity as a nation, and by working hard together to materialize the ideals of the independence proclamation.                 Â
         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,Â
        The year 2008 is very significant one in the annals of the Indonesian nation history. This year we commemorate the 63rd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, that coincides with the centennial anniversary of our National Awakening; the 80th anniversary of the Youth Pledge and the 10th anniversary of Reformasi. These historic milestones clearly demonstrate the true identity of Indonesia as a great nation, a resilient nation, a nation that has always managed to adjust itself with the changes of times. We become even sturdier after confronting every trial. We become even stronger after overcoming every crisis. We become even more united after surpassing intermittent challenges.
        During the past 10 years in the wake of the reformasi, the Indonesian nation has undergone one of the most transformational eras in the modern Indonesian history. We know that only a handful of nations in the world have encountered repeated storms and upheavals as we have experienced. And only a small number of them were able to withstand, in fact, even reawakened stronger as a result of these historic tribulations.
        From its dismal condition 10 years ago, Indonesia has  transformed today as a dynamic nation and full of hope. We have recovered from the monetary crisis that has crippled Indonesia in the past. We have carried out a comprehensive reformation covering various sectors. We have succeeded in going through the transition of democracy wrought with challenges,  that has now made  Indonesia as the third largest democracy in the world. We have also managed to develop a new democratic political culture, that carries forward transparency, freedom of expression and accountability to the people, whereby the law is now supreme. We have also succeeded during these last few years to consolidate the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)[1] : a peaceful Aceh, a stable Papua, and restful Moluccas, Poso, Sampit. We have successfully overcome the most devastating natural disaster the world has ever known, namely the 2004 tsunami tragedy, inspired by solidarity and mutual help. We have reinstated Indonesia in the forefront of the regional and international arenas. This has not been the achievement of one single individual or group, but the achievement and hard work of the whole of the Indonesian people.Â
            With all the fundamental changes that have taken place, we continue to preserve our nation’s identity, as reflected in the four pillars, namely : Pancasila (Five Tenets), the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Regardless of what is happening, we must strictly hold to these four pillars as the primary basis of our life as nation and state.        Â
          However, despite all of this, our nation continues to be impacted by a number of serious trials. For this reason, therefore, we neither have the reason, nor the time, to lament and stand idly. We must not be carried away by the culture of unabated cynicism and self-doubt. Above all, we must not be negligent to see the changing times.        Â
          This is the time where we have to change the mentality of resignation into the spirit of opportunity-seeking orientation. I am firmly confident that in every problem, in every crisis, regardless of its magnitude, there are always seeds of opportunity and there is always a way out. Rest assured, the problems we are encountering today are also confronting other nations. History will only differentiate between those who merely lament about their fate and those who never surrender in seeking solutions. The histories of Indonesia’s awakening and changes, from 1908, 1928, 1945 until 1998, were all etched by the freedom fighters who had the mentality It Can Be Done ! Whatever the problems are, whenever the periods are, however the limitations are, if we had the CAN DO mentality, we all CAN, and Indonesia definitely CAN !        Â
         Fellow Countrymen,        Â
         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,         Â
         Frankly speaking, the year 2008 is a difficult period and wrought with challenges. The price of oil has reached the highest level in  history. The price of food all over the world has drastically soared. The world economy is threatened by a recession. The World Bank has predicted that the energy and food situation has the potential of triggering social, economic and political crisis in 33 countries and causes 100,000,000 people all over the world to fall again under the poverty line.       Â
         The extremely high prices of the world oil and food have quickly impacted on the ballooning energy and food subsidies in our budget. Undoubtedly, the government continues to try to dampen its negative impact on the people.       Â
        Indeed, the problem we are facing is really not easy. The burden of oil and electricity subsidies is predicted to triple until the end of the year, compared to the energy subsidies budget at the beginning of 2008. Moreover, we cannot deny the fact that the energy subsidies are actually being enjoyed more by those who have automobile, and those who own houses with high wattage. This fund should in reality be used to help the millions of our people who are still poor and who are far more in need of their government’s assistance.       Â
        However, in the middle of such uncertain global economic downturn, we should actually be grateful, because the food situation in our country is relatively better than in many other countries. Most probably, this fact is still unknown to many people. I would like to take this opportunity to inform the Honorable House, and the whole of the Indonesian people that, Alhamdulillah, we are again self-sufficient in rice this year. This is for the very first time since the New Order era that the national rice production surpasses our rice consumption. Furthermore, also for the first time since the New Order, the price of rice at home is lower than in the international market.       Â
        We must not only maintain this rice surplus, but also raise it. In the midst of such current global food crisis, we must reinforce our national food stock. The government has decided that the national rice stock should be raised to 3 million tons, from the previous one of a mere 1 million tons. Only then, can we talk about the possibility of exporting rice. Such a robust stock will guarantee our food security and, at the same time, price stability at an affordable level for the public at large.       Â
        What is important, in this difficult situation, we must refrain ourselves from blaming, attacking and discrediting each other for the sake of momentary political gains. We must, on the contrary, remain optimistic, continue to work together, hand-in-hand to transform crisis into opportunity, for the good of the Indonesian people.         Â
         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
         At present, we have embarked on a political year, in fact, a campaign year. Next year, we are going to have the third Legislative General Election in the reformasi era, as well as the second direct Presidential Election in the history of our democracy.       Â
         Our democracy is again put under test. Can we pass the election year well and safely ? I think we all agree to respond : Yes ! We Can !       Â
         Let us again answer this historic challenge, by transforming Indonesia into a role-model of democracy to the world.       Â
         We have succeeded to show to the world about the outstanding achievement of holding such celebrations of democracy that were so safe, orderly, peaceful, fair and impartial in 2004. We must be able to hold on to such an achievement and even improve on it. This is our common responsibility, our common mission.       Â
        We have to secure the success of the 2009 General Elections, so as to truly materialize the people’s message, namely : a clean and effective parliament and government. Certainly, to realize all of that, we must highly uphold the values of democracy, i.e. freedom of expression, including politicking, and yet they should still be based on ethics, rule of the game and common interest. To be brave to accept victory and also to be brave to concede defeat with grace.       Â
         In exercising democracy, let us exercise our democratic rights, our freedom, by respecting the rights and obligations of others, by respecting order and the rule of law. Because our ability to maintain the balance between rights and obligations, between freedom and order, shall determine the progress of our democracy. In this respect, there is no place for anarchy. Because democracy is too precious to be ruined by anarchy. On this auspicious occasion, I would like to emphasize that the state must not succumb and will not succumb to anarchy and violence.        Â
          Fellow Countrymen,        Â
          Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
          We are carrying out economic development with the purpose of creating a just and equitable wellbeing of the people. Therefore, the strategy I have laid down is “growth with equityâ€. The accelerated economic development has brought about a positive impact on the rapid decline of the open unemployment rate as well as the poverty level. The open unemployment rate in February 2006 was 10.5 %, but now it has successfully been lowered to 8.5% in February 2008. By the same token, the poverty level has also dropped from 17.7% in 2006 to 15.4%  in March 2008. The poverty figure in 2008 is the lowest ever, both in terms of its size and percentage, during these last 10 years. There is also the trend of a declining number of poverty, even though we are using the poverty figure criteria of the World Bank. This has been a concrete achievement and we should all be grateful for. I would like to express my thanks to all the parties concerned, including the Governors, Regents and Mayors all over the country, who have toiled hard for this.
         In the context of speeding up the lowering of poverty level, the government has embarked on a harmonization and synergy of program and budget for poverty alleviation at the central level, which was concretely carried out all over Indonesia. We have interpreted this poverty budget program and synergy into three poverty alleviation program clusters.
        In the first cluster, we provide social assistance and security to the less-well-to-do families or what we refer to as the targeted group. We are providing the assistance through the provision of Rice for the Poor (Raskin)[2], Promising Family Program (PKH)[3], Community Health Security and School Operational Direct Assistance (BOS)[4]. Also included in this cluster are Assistance to the Neglected Elderly and Multiple Disability, Natural Disaster Assistance, Direct Cash Assistance as compensation to the fuel oil price hike and Scholarship for targeted families.
        In the second cluster, we offer community-based program and budget under the National Self-Reliant Community Empowerment Program (PNPM)[5]. We continue to provide assistance to villages with pockets of the poor. We empower them so that they may benefit from the various programs we put at their disposal. In this Self-Reliant PNPM, it is the village and sub-district community themselves who decide on the use of the allocated budget, whether for the development of physical or social infrastructures, that are expectedly right on target and successful.
          In the third cluster, we empower the micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM)[6], including the improvement of the business environment and the provision of Small-holder Business Credit (KUR)[7]. The enthusiasm for and expansion of the Smallholder Business Credit,  in  a short time, have shown the sheer magnitude of the economic potentials of our people.  Until 31 July 2008, the KUR has provided Rp 8.9 trillion[8], with the number of creditors exceeding 950,000 all over the country. This KUR is primarily designed for credit amounting less than Rp 5 million and without additional collateral. The government is firmly determined to continue to accord consistent and concrete attention to the improvement of business opportunity and access, in particular to the small, medium and the cooperatives.       Â
        The first cluster is like giving the fish to the poor and nearly-poor community, who are really in need of a social security blanket. The second cluster is like giving the fishing rod, so the community becomes more self-reliant. And the third cluster, is like providing the boat, so that the lower community can hopefully develop their own business, in fact, create employment opportunities for themselves and others as well.       Â
        The budget for the poverty alleviation program in our State Budget has about tripled within the period between 2005-2008. This shows that our policy is in favor, in concrete terms, of the less-well-to-do community. Furthermore, the budget increase also refutes the notion that the government is merely engaged in idle rhetoric and discourse. We took action and will continue to take action to alleviate poverty in our homeland.                             Â
        Fellow Countrymen,        Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,          Â
        The education sector remains the top priority of the government. During these last few years, the budget allocated to the Department of National Education represents the highest figure compared to other departments. The budget for education has risen to almost double from Rp 78.5 trillion in 2005 to Rp 154.2 trillion in 2008. In fact, Alhamdullilah, for the 2009 budget, in the midst of the global oil and food price crisis that has adversely impacted our economy, we have been able to meet the 20 % of the State Budget requirement for education as mandated by the constitution.
        The increased budget will be disbursed, among other things, for the rehabilitation of school buildings and construction of tens of thousands of classrooms and new schools. In line with the spirit of decentralization, the government has, since 2005, provided grants in the form of direct operational assistance, better known as School Operational Assistance (BOS). We entertain the hope that with BOS and the participation of the regional governments, the Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education program could be effectively put in place at a low cost and affordable for the people.         Â
        I am also aware that despite the fact that school fee has been lowered, there are Indonesian families which cannot afford to send their children to school. The government is overcoming this problem by providing direct cash assistance to the less fortunate families, with the proviso that their children should continue their studies. This conditional BLT[9] is also known as the Promising Family Program (PKH)*, has been put in operation in 73 regencies/municipalities. In the future, this program shall be expanded because it is instrumental in cutting off the chain of poverty amongst generations. In addition to the PKH, the government also offers scholarships to more than 1,000,000 Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School children, over 600,000 Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School students, 900,000 High School/Vocational/Islamic High School students and more than 200,000 University/Religious University students. The majority of these students come from poor families.         Â
        Especially to our children who have made outstanding achievements, who have honored the nation and country by garnering gold medals in the Olympiads of various scientific disciplines. The government shall extend fellowships, so as to allow them to pursue their studies in any university the world over, until they earn the doctorate degree. We cherish the hope that in the future, there will be Indonesian boys and girls who shall be in the forefront of the world scientific and technological advancement, even possibly to become Nobel laureates. We should be grateful and proud that in 2007, the Indonesian contingent has succeeded to win 51 gold medals from the assorted scientific Olympiads. A brilliant and laudable achievement.            Â
        On the other hand, education is highly dependent on the competence and professionalism of the teachers and lecturers. The government continues to pay serious attention to the improvement of the well-being and the competence quality of teachers by, among other things, raising their income. In 2004, the salary of the lowest grade teacher was still Rp 842,600 per month, but in 2008 it has already reached Rp 1,854,000 or an increase by more than double. We also adopt other measures to enhance the quality of teachers and lecturers through the program of raising the academic qualification of Bachelor’s Degree (S I) and Certificate (D 4) for teachers and Graduate (S 2) and Post-Graduate Degree (S 3) for lecturers.        Â
         The compliance of the educational budget totaling to 20 % of the current State Budget, allows us to carry out many other things to promote the quality of our education in all its aspects. This covers school buildings, school libraries and laboratories, fellowships, the teacher’s competence and well-being and so forth. All of this constitutes our investment, with a view to raising the nation’s competitive edge, for the sake of the nation’s glorious future.            Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        The budget for health has increased sharply, almost tripled, from Rp 5.8 trillion in 2005 to around Rp 16 trillion in 2008. Most of the increased budget was spent on the provision of health services in Public Health Centers (Puskesmas)[10] , Integrated Services Units (Posyandu)[11], or through Community Health Security. The Community Health Security Program for the Poor is now serving 76.4 million people. To raise the public accessibility to affordable medicine, the government has lowered substantially the price of generic medicine, continuously year after year. Â
        The government has also revitalized the Family Planning program (KB)[12], which was previously neglected in the wake of the last crisis. During the last three years, the Family Program has recorded a positive progress. From the 4.2 million new participants of the program in 2005, the number has risen to 5.7 million in 2007. We must continue to generate and intensify the Family Planning program, to ensure that the trend of the population growth rate is declining. For this purpose, therefore, the cooperation and harmonized efforts with regional governments are indispensable. In this era of regional autonomy, the regional governments are on the frontline for the socialization and implementation of the Family Planning program.
          In order to promote justice and gender equality, we have expanded the access and participation of women in development. The government also continuously enhances the protection of women and children, by establishing the Center for Integrated Services for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A)[13], Crisis Integrated Center (PKT)[14] and Special Services Ward (RPK)[15] in a number of provinces and regencies/municipalities.        Â
        Women are also playing an increasingly great role in the public sector. Today, in Indonesia there are 27 women Governor, Regents, Deputy Regents, Mayors and  Deputy Mayors. This is a 125 % increase compared to 4 years ago. There is a growing number of women who are in the lead outside the government circle, the business community and social organizations. The government continues to encourage and support women to give their contribution in the public sector, in accordance with their capabilities.         Â
         Fellow Countrymen,       Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        We should be grateful that despite the persistent external pressures, we have been able to maintain the economic growth at over 6 % during the seven consecutive quarters. In fact, the Non-Oil/Gas Gross Domestic Product has grown to almost 7 % last year. Our economic growth has risen from 5.5 % in 2006 to 6.3 % in 2007. This is achieved in the middle of the global economic slump and the soaring prices of food and energy. As a matter of fact, our economy during the first semester of 2008 managed to keep its momentum going with a growth rate of 6.4 %. This is the highest rate after the economic crisis in 1998.        Â
        We are also pleased that the sources of its growth are increasingly more balanced. The investment has resumed, export has grown significantly and public consumption has grown in a sound manner. Through a series of economic reforms, such as the enhancement of the investment climate and the amendment to the Tax Law, I am convinced that the momentum will be maintained. Insya Allah, in the near future, our economic growth rate shall replicate the achievement we have had during the 30 years prior to the economic crisis.       Â
        In the meantime, in addition to saying Alhamdulillah, even though we have fully reimbursed our foreign debt to IMF, our foreign exchange reserves continue to increase too. In fact, in July this year 2008, for the first time in the history of the Republic of Indonesia, our foreign exchange reserves have reached over US $ 60 billion. This growingly consolidates our economic foundations and enhances the confidence of the business community in particular, and the public in general, on the strength of our economy.       Â
        In the real sector, the economic growth has been sustained equitably by various economic sectors. The agricultural revitalization program during the last three years has successfully pushed the high growth rate of the agricultural sector. This achievement has contributed to the safeguard of our food security, at a time when the world is enduring the pressures of extremely high food prices, and the tendency of global protectionism in the form of the ban on export of food commodity.       Â
       The success in boosting the agricultural and industrial sector is closely linked to the accelerated provision of infrastructures. The infrastructure development has played a pivotal role in enhancing the national unity and cohesion, and is believed to be the trigger to regional development. The transport and telecommunication networks from Sabang to Merauke; and from Sangihe Talaud to Rote Island, for instance, are one of the principal bonds of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, it also serves as the backbone of the distribution of goods, passengers and services, and as an essential aspect for raising the production sector.
        To accelerate the infrastructure development, the government has pursued a number of primary tracts. First, the government budget for infrastructure is raised from Rp 21.9 trillion in 2005 to Rp 58 trillion in 2008, or an increase by 165 %. This budget increase has enabled the completion of major projects, such as the Surabaya-Madura Bridge (Suramadu), the Kuala Namu Airport in North Sumatra and the Hasanudin Airport in South Sulawesi. As a matter of fact, the design and construction of these two airports were using domestic funds and Indonesia’s own experts.
         The second tract is pursued by providing guarantee to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)[16], particularly the State Electricity Company (PLN)[17], to raise the capacity of power generation all over Indonesia. The 10,000 MW program is expected to gradually eliminate the power supply crisis in all corners of the archipelago. Insya Allah, starting by the middle of 2009, the power crisis in Java and Bali will begin to be overcome. This program is also expected to reduce the dependence of PLN on fuel oil. The electrification ratio can also be upgraded. Alhamdullilah, today, the ratio of electrified villages has reached 91.9 %.       Â
        We are well aware it is impossible to put all the burden of infrastructure development on the government shoulder. Hence, the government opens the widest possible opportunity to private companies to participate in the construction and operation of infrastructures in a fair, competitive and transparent fashion.        Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        In the energy sector, the soaring prices of oil on the global level during these last 6 years, have reminded us of the importance of safeguarding energy security in our homeland. The energy development over the course of 2007 until the middle of 2008, has been focused, among others, on enhancing the energy supply capacity and improving the efficiency of energy use. We are raising the energy supply capacity through the accelerated energy diversification, the utilization of non-fuel oil alternative energy, including new and renewable energy (such as micro-hydro, geothermal and bio fuel), the conversion of kerosene into LPG and the construction of energy infrastructures, such as facilities for gas transmission and distribution. The government is steadfastly determined to improve transparency, accountability and management in the energy sector, in the context of capitalizing on its products for the maximum benefit possible for the people’s well-being.
         This is the reason, therefore, that I widely open the doors and invite Members of the House to use the right to make inquiries, whether it is related to the energy policy, fuel oil price increase, management of state oil and gas, as well as the investigation in connection with the procedure and decision on the sale price of gas and fuel oil. Including the export and import of crude oil and fuel oil that have become the interest of the House and the general public. Because we actually want transparency in the management of oil and energy and natural resources in our country. I also would like to see that transparency and accountability become the traits of a growing good governance in this country. I sincerely hope, all parties concerned lend a support to the exercise of the right to make enquiries as well as possible.
            In addition, we must effectively safe energy. Thus far, we have been a nation that splurges on the use of energy. I have issued the Presidential Instruction (Inpres)[18] Number 10 of 2005 on Energy Saving. In fact, as an exemplary move, I have instructed the creation of an Energy Saving Task Force within the Presidential Palaces Complex, including the State Secretariat and Cabinet Secretariat. The result has been a 31.7 % saving of energy during the period from May to July 2008, as evidenced by the lower monthly electricity bill. If the Presidential Palaces managed to do it, consequently all other government units must also be able to emulate it. To this end, I have given the instruction that all government rank and file, to give a report on the energy saving effort in their respective quarters.        Â
        Undoubtedly, what we need is a total national energy saving. It is therefore insufficient to save energy only in government offices. State institutions must also do the same thing. The whole of the society is also expected to save, whether in private offices or in households. If only can we save up to 20 %, this means a saving of more than Rp 17.6 trillion. This is a very significant amount, as we can make use of it for the development of our education, health, infrastructure and even defense.Â
         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
            In the reconstruction and rehabilitation of areas in the aftermath of natural disasters, until 2008, these activities have brought about optimum results. The physical rehabilitation and reconstruction program, particularly of housing, has been completed in the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)[19], Nias Islands in North Sumatra, Yogyakarta Special Territory and Central Java Province. More comprehensive rehabilitation and reconstruction activities will be continued, even though the Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of NAD-Nias (BRR)* will cease its operation by April 2009. In the meantime, we will proceed with the process of dealing with the hot mud flow victims in Sidoardjo. The 20% compensation fund designed for the mud flow victims in the affected areas, as well as the plan to disburse the remaining 80 % compensation fund, are expected to be finalized even within this year 2008.       Â
        The numerous development endeavors we have undertaken have, indeed, brought us to a more advanced stage. Nevertheless, we should also pay serious attention to the impacts on development, among other things, the threat to the preservation of the environment. The declining deforestation rate should be accelerated even further. Consequently, we continue with the effort to control the environmental impact, in line with the development activities.       Â
        The rehabilitation and planting campaign were also conducted to reduce the number of critical lands. As a matter of fact, in 2007, 86 million trees were planted simultaneously throughout the country, in addition to the 14 million trees by Indonesia’s Women, through the Tree Planting and Nursing Campaign. This campaign has earned the appreciation of the United Nations, because it does not only stem the deforestation rate, but we were also regarded as being serious in anticipating climate change. We must continue with this National Campaign in the future.   Â
       Fellow Countrymen,Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
          From the outset, in the execution of the people’s mandate, I have adopted the Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2005 on the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN)[20] 2004-2009. There are three national development agendas in the Medium-Term Plan, namely : the agenda to create an orderly and peaceful Indonesia; the agenda to create a just and democratic Indonesia; and the agenda to improve the people’s well-being. The implementation of these three principal agendas is contained in the Government Work Plan (RKP)[21] as the basis for drafting the annual State Budget.       Â
       In the execution of the agenda to create an orderly and peaceful Indonesia through hard work and synergyc efforts, we have succeeded in maintaining the social, political and defense stability in the society. Conflict-prone regions like Aceh, Papua, Poso and the Moluccas, Alhamdulillah, have continued to register concrete progress, especially in the restoration of security and the improvement of welfare. A stable situation does not only restore the mutual trust amongst fellow groupings to interact, but it also enhances the confidence on and the authority of the government and security apparatus before the public eyes. The persuasive, proactive and impartial government policies have apparently convinced various quarters that force is actually not the best possible solution to settle a problem.        Â
        Our country is becoming more safe. We are beginning to feel this, starting from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Islands, whenever and wherever in this country. This is an extremely significant progress, as it enables us to launch the “Visit Indonesia Year 2008â€, aimed at boosting Indonesia’s tourism industry. In 2007, the tourism sector has contributed US $ 5.3 billion to the state revenues. Unlike other sectors, the tourism sector involves millions of manpower, in hotel, food, transportation, guides and handicraft industries. According to the report, the number of foreign tourists visiting Bali, as a barometer of Indonesia’s tourism, has continued to increase. In last 2007, the number of tourists who visited Bali has reached the highest figure since the 1998 crisis, even higher than before the bombings in Bali last 2002. This is precisely the reason why we have to intensify and preserve together the agenda to make Indonesia  safe and peaceful.
        Efforts that have been conducted to thwart and overcome transnational crime and terrorism have also shown an encouraging progress. The security apparatus has managed to arrest, prosecute and sentence the perpetrators. Lately, the police have succeeded in discovering a cache of home-made explosives and bombs in Palembang. On the one hand, these various achievements are very heartening to all of us. On the other hand, however, we must continue to heighten our vigilance. Our country is still unsafe from terrorist acts. At the same time we must also continue with the fight against illegal logging, illegal fishing and illicit drug trafficking.        Â
        Particularly with regard to drug-related crime, the government is firmly determined to stamp it out down to its roots. The government, through the Police and the Attorney General Office will investigate and prosecute in order to mete out the hardest possible sentence to drug traffickers. They are directly endangering the nation’s younger generation, which means a danger to the future and survival of our children.       Â
        To uphold the country’s sovereignty, our defense policy is geared towards the professionalism enhancement of the Indonesian National Army (TNI)[22]. We also proceed to raise the state defense potentials through, among other things, the maintenance of the minimum essential force, the readiness of the main defense weapon system (alutsista)[23] and the holding of regular joint exercises. Last July, the first TNI Joint Exercises were held since 1996. These joint exercises must be organized on a regular basis, TNI Soldiers and Units remain ready, professional and highly-skilled to defend every inch of the sovereign territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.        Â
        Regarding the border regions in particular, we are conducting a number of approaches covering various aspects, especially in terms of the State border demarcation and delimitation, in addition to the approaches for the improvement of the well-being, and the development in the political, legal and security areas. In principle, our border areas should be regarded as the front porch of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and not as its backyard.         Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        The well-being and security of Indonesia is growingly linked to the international situation. The government is therefore pursuing an independent and active foreign policy to serve the national interest. The increasingly prominent Indonesia’s diplomacy is closely related to the development of our democracy which is also becoming more established, the political stability which is increasingly solid, the improving human rights situation, and the continuing economic growth.       Â
        Last December, Indonesia has etched a diplomatic history, by successfully hosting the UN Conference on Climate Change in Bali, that produced an historical consensus “Bali Road Mapâ€. We shall continue to strive that this Bali Roadmap will bring about a global consensus on climate change, which hopefully could be finalized during the 15th Conference of Parties in Copenhagen at the end of 2009.       Â
         During these last two years, Indonesia has also successfully completed its chairmanship of the Developing Eight (D-8), a group of countries with Moslem population which is actively engaged in economic and development cooperation. Last July, I have also handed over the Chairmanship baton of D-8 to Malaysia.       Â
        For the first time, Indonesia was also invited to attend the G-8 plus 8 Outreach Summit in Hokkaido, Japan; last July. During the meeting Indonesia, together with other major economies of the world, discussed the global issues, such as climate change, food security, energy and development. In the meantime, Indonesia continues to play an active role in the maintenance of international peace as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.       Â
        Indonesia has also actively participated in formulating the new Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). As a result of the Summit of the OIC member countries in Senegal this year, the new Chapter includes six important items, namely : democracy, the rule of law, good governance, social justice, human rights and women’s rights. The new Charter of the OIC brings fresh ideas and new history in the development of Islamic World in the future.         Â
        Indonesia has also initiated and encouraged ASEAN to transform. Through the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN is no longer an organization based merely on declaration or communiqué, but it will be an organization that has a clear status and legal personality. Hence, ASEAN could adapt so as to remain relevant in facing the changes of international strategic environment.        Â
        Our relations with Timor Leste are also witnessing important developments. On July 15, the Commission of Truth and Friendship (KKP)[24], has submitted their final report to the Indonesian Government and the Timor Leste Government. We welcome the report and shall follow it up. We have closed the old chapter and opened a new one. We establish new spirit, imbued with peace, humanity and brotherhood between the two countries.         Â
        Fellow Countrymen,        Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        The realization of a just and democratic society is an extremely important agenda. One of the strategic aspects is the eradication of corruption. Since the outset of my administration, I have emphasized that corruption eradication occupies a high priority on the government’s shoulder. Punitive actions have been taken against perpetrators of criminal corrupt practices and they have been carried out indiscriminately. No one is immune to the law. Including the law enforcement apparatus. We are grateful by the firm actions taken by the Commission for Corruption Eradication (KPK)[25], that has successfully uncovered and investigated criminal cases that are detrimental to State finances. The manifestation of a corrupt-free Indonesia must gain the support from all of us, whether by the drafting of good and strong legislations, as well as by implementing them in a consistent and uncompromising manner. This is the only way that Indonesia can enhance its dignity in the eyes of the world.       Â
        On the other hand, we just cannot continue to put people behind bars because of corruption. The success of corruption eradication must be viewed in the context of preventing corrupt practices. Furthermore, the success of development is greatly determined by the quality of clean and authoritative governmental management. Hence, the government is continuing to conduct gradual and planned bureaucratic reformation. Bureaucratic reformation is aimed at improving public services because the rank and file of bureaucracy are actually public servants. The steps that we have taken, and will continue to take, include the improvement of work system and culture, measurement of work performance, enforcement of discipline and sufficient remuneration. It also includes transparency in the governmental process. This is the essence of implementing Good Governance.         Â
        Similarly, our efforts to continuously consolidate and nurture the democratic system have been progressing well. Generally speaking, the direct Regional Head Election (Pilkada)[26] has proceeded in the right direction. The degree of people’s participation has been quite high. With an average of 74%. Until April 2008, the Elections have been held in 355 Regions, namely 22 Provinces, 272 Regencies and 61 Municipalities all over Indonesia. From the entire Pilkada elections, there are 176 complaints contesting the results of the Pilkada. What is interesting, however, is when the court pronounced the verdict on these complaints, in almost all of the cases, except in 6 regions, they were declared closed after the verdict. This illustrates our maturity in practicing democracy.           Â
        Honorable Speaker, Deputy Speakers and Members of the House,       Â
        Fellow Countrymen,       Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,         Â
        The government continues to stick firmly to its commitment of improving the people’s well-being. We have to admit, however, that the challenges before us remain very huge. For this purpose, therefore, as part of the medium term development 2004-2009, the government has adopted a development theme contained in the Government Work Plan 2009 (RKP), namely : “Improvement of the People’s Well-being and Poverty Alleviationâ€. This theme is interpreted into three national development priorities. First, the improvement of basic services and rural development; Second: the acceleration of quality growth by reinforcing the economic resilience which is sustained by the development of agriculture, infrastructure and energy; and Third, to intensify anti-corruption drive and bureaucratic reformation and to solidify democracy, defense and domestic security.       Â
        With such priorities, the policy of budget allocation of the central government in 2009 shall be geared towards sustaining national economic activities in order to stimulate growth (pro growth), creating and expanding employment opportunities (pro job), and alleviating poverty (pro poor). These three national development priorities are subsequently reflected in the direction and body of the 2009 Draft State Budget.       Â
        In the 2009 budget, the government is committed to subscribe by the mandate of the constitution of allocating the budget for education totaling 20%, despite the extremely tight budget constrain. In connection with respecting the Decision of the Constitutional Court of 13 August 2008, on the budget allocation for education, there have been changes and finalization of the body of the 2009 Draft State Budget. The 2009 Financial Note already in the hands of the Honorable Members of the House of Representatives, was drawn on the basis of the 2009 Draft State Budget which was still using as reference the price of oil before it was finalized in line with the newest developments. In the additional document of the Financial Note that was delivered today, the assumption of oil price is being adjusted in line with the declining world oil price lately. Hence, the subsidy budget for oil and electricity has also dropped. So that, at the end, Alhamdulillah, the 20% budget for education can be realized, even though the deficit budget must be raised to Rp 20 trillion, to become 1.9 % of GDP.        Â
        As the basis for the calculation of the 2009 Draft State Budget, and by taking into account both the global and domestic economic situations, the government has composed an indicator of the assumed micro economy. The economic growth is expected to reach around 6.2 %, the inflation rate at 6.5 %, the average exchange rate of the Rupiah at Rp 9100 per one US dollar, and the three-month SBI interest rate at an average of 8.5 %.       Â
        The global oil price remains volatile and is extremely difficult to predict. During the first semester of 2008, the oil price has jumped by over 40 % to the level of US $ 147 per barrel. However, in July and early August of this year, it has dropped by 20 % to become below US $ 115 per barrel. The government proposes the assumption of Indonesia’s crude oil price level for 2009 at US $ 100 per barrel. This price is still within the price range approved by the House of Representatives (DPR)[27], namely between US $ 95- $ 120 per barrel.       Â
        The selected average oil price at US $ 100 per barrel in 2009 is a reflection of the latest world oil price movements and the latest projection. Nevertheless, the government feels that it is important to still protect the State Budget against the risk of an upward movements of oil price that can always happen, just as what we have experienced during the last 18 months. This price level is also accompanied by closing the risk of the oil price reaching higher to the level of US $ 130 per barrel. This is due to the fact that our State Budget is far more vulnerable against the pressures of rising, rather than declining, oil price. Therefore, the confidence towards the 2009 Draft State Budget can be maintained constantly throughout 2009, when our nation are engaged in a series of general elections.. In the meantime, the lifting of Indonesian crude oil in 2009 is anticipated to reach 950,000 barrels per day.        Â
        Fellow Countrymen,        Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,        Â
        On the basis of the macro-economic framework in 2009 and in line with the 2009 Government Work Plan (RPK), I herewith submit the following Principal Fiscal Policy in 2009. The state revenues and grants are envisaged to be Rp 1,022,6 trillion, or an increase by Rp 127.6 trillion (14.3 %) from the 2008 Revised State Budget. The state expenditures amount to Rp 1,122,2 trillion, or an increase by Rp. 132.7 trillion (13.4 %) from the 2008 Revised State Budget. Hence, the budget deficit in 2009 is predicted to reach Rp 99.6 trillion (1.9 % of GDP).       Â
       With such a total amount of the 2009 Draft State Budget, hence, it is for the very first time since Indonesia’s independence, that the state revenues and expenditures have reached above the Rp 1000 trillion figure. This demonstrates that the volume of State Budget has grown increasingly bigger compared to 2005, which was still around Rp 500 trillion. This also illustrates the growing importance of the State Budget in our national economy and development.       Â
        To improve basic services in the health, education and rural development sectors, a budget of Rp 142.8 trillion is set aside. The poverty alleviation program receives a budget allocation of Rp 66.2 trillion. Specifically for rural development, the budget reaches Rp 17 trillion.        Â
         The targets to be attained are the following :                 Â
         First, to lower the poverty level to 12%-14%;       Â
         Second, to raise the educational level from elementary to a higher degree;        Â
        Third, to extend the free health services coverage for the poor community in third-class Hospital and basic health services to the whole population in the Public Health Centers (Puskesmas); and        Â
        Fourth, to widen the accessibility of affordable transportation services for all segments of the community.Â
        In the efforts to reach the targets of accelerated growth and   strengthened economic resilience, supported by agricultural, infrastructure, and energy development, the government is allocating a budget amounting to Rp 77.7 trillion. This budget will be concentrated on financial support for a number of activities which sustain economic growth to the tune of Rp 37.2 trillion, safeguard economic stability amounting to Rp 978.2 billion and the development of infrastructure and energy amounting to Rp 39.5 trillion.
        The target to be reached is in an increase in investment level at 12.1% and export growth of non-oil/gas of 13.5%. In terms of production, the target growth to be attained for 2009 in the agriculture sector is by 3.7%, non-oil/gas processing industries at 6%. With this, the level of open unemployment is expected to fall to 7-8% of the national work-force.Â
        Furthermore, the efforts to eradicate corruption, promote bureaucracy reform and holding the 2009 General Elections  in a fair, impartial and peaceful fashion, the government is allocating a budget of Rp16.7 trillion.         Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,Â
        From the total amount of expenditure budget of the Central Government in 2009, as I have mentioned before, approximately 36 % or Rp 312.6 trillion is allocated on expenditures of state ministries/institutions. This budget does not yet include the additional budget for education, in the execution of the constitutional mandate to the tune of Rp 46.1 trillion that we have proposed in the additional Financial Note. Then, around 27.8 % or Rp 227.2 trillion is assigned for subsidy. Subsidy budget in the 2009 Draft State Budget shall be allocated mainly on subsidy of fuel oil amounting to Rp 101.4  trillion, on electricity subsidy totaling Rp 60.4 trillion, as well as subsidy of food, fertilizer and seedling amounting to Rp 32 trillion. The government indeed is committed on maintaining economic stability by controlling the price of fuel oil and basic electricity tariff. Nevertheless, the government shall continue on amending the subsidy policy in order to reduce budget leakages and to prevent misdirection as well as to evaluate subsidy budget, based on current developments of global oil price.       Â
        In the efforts of controlling the subsidy of fuel oil, the government will further expedite the program of converting domestic kerosene to LPG, and continue controlling subsidized fuel oil consumption through fiscal and non-fiscal policy. In relation to the efforts of saving electrical subsidy, I highly appreciate the understanding of the public and the business sector on the policy of shifting the working hours for the industrial sector in order to reduce electricity peak load. Insya Allah, in the near future, electricity supply will increase through the development of 10,000 megawatt power generation that is fully supported by the Government.       Â
        On the other hand, the allocation of agricultural subsidy on fertilizer and seedling which amount is higher in 2009 is expected to support raising agricultural production, especially rice, corn, and soybean, in 2009. Meanwhile, the increase of food subsidy is planned to assist on supplying lower price rice for about 19 million targeted households.        Â
        In the framework of improving the bureaucracy performance and raising public service quality, in the 2009 Draft State Budget, the government allocates personnel expenditures budget of Rp 143.8 trillion, or an increase by Rp 20.2 trillion (16.4 %) from the 2008 Revised State Budget. The budget raise is aimed at, among others, increasing income of state apparatus and retirees by raising basic net salary and pension by 15 % on average, the 13th month salary and pension,  as well as improving the system of pension payment. During the recent four years of this administration, income of civil servants at the lowest rank has been raised 2.5 folds from Rp 674,000 per month in 2004, to Rp 1,721 million in 2009. The additional budget allocation for education of Rp 46.1 trillion, that we have proposed in fulfilling the mandate of the constitution, is used, among others, to raise the salary of teachers and researchers. Thus, the salary of the lowest ranking teacher will be raised to over Rp 2 million.        Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,         Â
        Based on the priorities of the 2009 Annual Government Work Plan and considering the main duties and functions of State Ministries/Institutions in the 2009 Draft State Budget, there are some ministries/institutions that receive significant budget allocation.        Â
        In 2009, the Ministry of National Education is planned to receive budget of Rp 52 trillion. This allocation does not yet cover the additional budget for education of Rp 46.1 trillion that we have proposed in the Additional Financial Note. The Ministry of Public Works will receive Rp 35.7 trillion, the Ministry of Defense Rp 35 trillion, the Indonesian National Police Rp 25.7 trillion, the Ministry of Religious Affairs Rp20.7 trillion, the Ministry of Health Rp 19.3 trillion and the Ministry of Transportation Rp 16.1 trillion.      Â
        The substantial allocation of the educational budget for the Department of National Education and the Department of Religious Affairs is intended for the completion of the compulsory nine-year basic education program. This budget is also earmarked to improve significantly the well-being of teachers. With such an educational budget that, Alhamdulillah, has reached 20% of our State Budget, we hope to be able to raise the quality of education in this country, in order to build the nation’s excellence and competitive edge in this 21st century.        Â
        The budget for the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Transportation is mainly aimed at advancing development of transport means and infrastructures as well as rehabilitating and maintaining roads and bridges. Meanwhile, the priority of allocating budget for the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Police is aimed at safeguarding the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as maintaining security and public order. The priority of budget allocation of the Ministry of Health is aimed at improving public health services.
         Fellow Countrymen,
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,         Â
        In order to support the implementation of fiscal decentralization, in 2009 the budget transfer to regions is planned to reach Rp 303.9 trillion or an increase by Rp 11.5 trillion (3.9 %) from the 2008 Revised State Budget. This budget is planned to take the forms of Shared Fund amounting to Rp 89.9 trillion, General Allocation Fund of Rp 183.4 trillion, Special Allocation Fund of Rp 22.3 trillion, and Special Autonomy Fund of Rp 8.3 trillion.        Â
        The main policy of budget transfer in 2009 that I need to underline is, among others, that the General Allocation Fund is planned to reach 26 % of net domestic revenue by considering fuel oil subsidy and fertilizer subsidy as a form of sharing the pain between the Central Government and the regional governments.        Â
        With the increased budget transfer to regions in 2009, then in line with the spirit of regional autonomy, I expect that the regional leaders could seriously manage every rupiah that they receive in order to be allocated maximally for the people’s welfare. The regional leaders still bear the duty of improving public service quality and infrastructure development in the regions, supporting the poverty alleviation programs, and reducing unemployment that become the national development priorities.
         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
         To fund the 2009 State Expenditure Budget, in the 2009 Draft State Budget, state revenues and grants are planned to reach Rp 1,022.6 trillion, which means an increase by Rp 127.6 trillion or 14.3 % from the 2008 Revised State Budget. This amount is planned to be originated from tax revenue of Rp 726.3 trillion, non-tax revenue Rp 295.3 trillion, and grant of around Rp 0.9 trillion.        Â
        The planned tax revenue of Rp 726.3 trillion in 2009 indicates an increase by Rp 117 trillion or 19.2 % from the 2008 Revised State Budget. The increased tax revenue in 2009 is still targeted, despite the fact that the tax is lowered from 30 % to 28 % for Compnay Income Tax and from 35 % to 30 % for Private Income Tax, in compliance with the new Income Tax Law. Even for Small Medium Enterprise the tax tariff stands only at 15 % or a 50% discount lower than the income tax of Company. Also the non-taxable margin is determined from right now, from Rp 13.2 million to Rp 15.8 million for Private Income Tax, so that this eases the tax burden of the medium to lower class taxpayers. All of this is a form of equality in our tax policy, an equality accompanied by responsibility. We shall continue to take measures for the expansion of the tax base and the improvement of tax administrative system, aimed at reaching the increasingly high target.
        In the custom and excise sector, in 2009 the implementation of trade cooperation between Indonesia-Japan will be fully in force with a tariff reduction scheme, as well as a free trade zone tariff (FTZ) in Batam, Bintan and the Karimun Islands.Â
        In the meantime, the target of non-tax state revenues in the 2009 Draft State Budget are expected to reach Rp 295.3 trillion, indicating an increase of Rp 12.5 trillion from the 2008 Revised State Budget. To secure the target of fuel oil non-tax state revenues which is currently the focus of Members of the House of Representatives and society, in 2009 the production of oil and gas will be optimized with the support of fiscal and non-fiscal facilities. Cost recovery control will be implemented through fund allocation, evaluation of  the negative list, as well as evaluation of standard government procurement costs by the Government and Private Partnership (KPS)[28].
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,      Â
         A budget deficit of Rp 99.6 trillion (1.9 % of GDP) in the 2009 Draft State Budget will be funded Rp 110.7 trillion from domestic sources and net foreign sources of minus Rp 11.1 trillion. Hence, our foreign principal debt service is higher than the new foreign debt. This is in line with the objective of reducing continually the portion of foreign debt in the payment of our deficit.       Â
         The budget financing policy in 2009 is both aimed to strengthening self-reliance and to minimize reliance on financing from foreign sources, as well as designed to encourage prudent debt management. Domestic financing sources, mainly derive from the issuance of Government Bonds, including State Syaria Bond. This will both provide commitment to develop bonds based on the syaria principle in Indonesia and create various state bond alternatives.
        With the financing requirements, either from domestic or foreign sources as I have mentioned earlier, hence the ratio of government debt towards GDP in 2009 is expected to be smaller from around 54 % in 2004 to around 30 %. This debt ratio, shows our determination that Indonesia should be developed optimally by relying on our own domestic resources. Therefore, in the future we will be able to proudly say to our successive generations, our children and grandchildren, that we have bequeathed them a country with increased wealth, equitably distributed well-being, and less or even non-existent debt.Â
        Honorable Speaker, Deputy Speakers and Members of the House of Representatives,
        Fellow Countrymen, Â
        Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,Â
        These are the main points of the State Address and Government Statement on the 2009 Draft State Budget, and its Financial Notes. Before concluding this address, once again, I invite all components of the nation, on the anniversary of our 63rd Proclamation day, and further in the future, to build a healthy way of living as nation and state, and to establish a more close interdepartmental relations. As Head of State, once again, I invite the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR)[29], the House of Representatives (DPR), the Regional Representatives Council (DPD)[30] the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, the State Audit Board and other state institutions to work together to build this beloved nation. The government is always open to establish better cooperation and to accommodate new ideas, to improve the management of our interdepartmental relations.
        To implement the national development in 2009, despite the fact that it is a political year, I still sincerely hope that all of us have the commitment to carry out the program to the maximum and to focus on concrete results. We must neither sacrifice the people’s interest nor kept them in the lurch. All our available sources, should be managed in an efficient and effective manner, so that the fruits of national development may truly be enjoyed by all of the people.
        In 1928, before the Dutch court in The Hague, Bung Hatta who was put on trial due to his activities in claiming for independence stated “Only one country is worthy to be my country. It emerges from deeds and the deeds were my efforts â€.The country the Proclamator of Independence was referring to  is the Republic of Indonesia and the efforts that he mentioned were the efforts of the Indonesian Nation. Â
        Ladies and Gentlemen, the progress of this nation rests in our own hands, the Indonesian Nation. If we are all united, hand in hand, side by side through trials and tribulations, in building the nation, hence no mountain is too high to climb, no valley is too deep to pass through and no ocean is too vast to cross. Insya Allah, in the 21st century, Indonesia will emerge as one of the advanced and dignified countries in the world. Advanced in all sectors. Because we are a great nation, one that rises with its own hands. Â
        To all the role-models present here amongst us today from all parts of Indonesia, I would like to convey my congratulations for your significant exemplary deeds. Hopefully, your footsteps will be an inspiration for all the people in Indonesia.
        For all the understanding and support of all the Members of the House and the whole of the society, I extend my heartfelt appreciation.          Â
        May Allah SWT bestow His blessings upon all of us. Let us hand-in-hand reinforce the unity, togetherness and hard work by all components of the nation to build a great, advanced, victorious and glorious Nation and State of the Republic of Indonesia.  Â
Long live the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia!        Â
Thank You!Â
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.Â
                                            Jakarta, 15 August 2008
                                                        Sgd.       Â
                                 DR.H. SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO
[1] NKRIÂ =Â Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
[4] BOS = Bantuan Operasional Sekolah
[5] PNPM = Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
[6] UMKM = Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah
[7] KUR = Kredit Usaha Rakyat
[8] 1 trillion = 1,000,000,000,000
[9] BLT = Bantuan Langsung Tunai
[10] Puskesmas = Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat
[11] Posyandu = Pos Pelayanan Terpadu
[12] KB = Keluarga Berencana
[13] P2TP2A = Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak
[14] PKT = Pusat Krisis Terpadu
[15] RPK = Ruang Pelayanan Khusus
[16] BUMN = Badan Usaha Milik Negara
[17] PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara
[18] INPRES = Instruksi Presiden
[19] NAD = Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
[21] RKP = Rencana Kerja Pemerintah
[22] TNI = Tentara Nasional Indonesia
[23] Alutsista =Alat Utama Sistim Persenjataan
[24] KKP = Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan
[25] KPK = Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi
[26] Pilkada = Pemilihan Kepala Daerah
[27] DPR = Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
[28] KPS = Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta
[29] MPR = Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
[30] DPD = Dewan Perwakilan Daerah