Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo pada COP28 Presidency Session

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Sabtu, 02 Desember 2023
Di baca 748 kali

di Al Waha Theatre, Expo City Dubai, Dubai, Persatuan Emirat Arab


At COP26 in Glasgow, I stated that Indonesia will achieve a net carbon sink in the forestry and sectors by 2030. The forestry sector was selected because 34 percent of villages in Indonesia are located at the border of forest areas and millions of Indonesians depend on the forestry sectors. To meet these targets, we have taken systematic and innovative steps. We have combined economic and social considerations and developed partnerships with communities in the field of sustainable forest management.


Since 2019, we have applied a permanent moratorium on forest clearing covering around 66 million hectares of primary forest and peatlands. We have also rehabilitated 3 million hectares of degraded land and 3 million hectares of peatlands. Now, we are beginning to feel the result. Indonesia’s forestation rate has decreased by 75 percent, the lowest in the last 20 years. Next year, we are targeting the rehabilitation of 600.000 hectares of mangrove land. 


Forest and land must be part of our climate action, especially through the following three perspectives. First, the mobilization of developing countries in order to be able to manage forest and land in a sustainable manner where much support must be country driven based on the real needs of forest owning countries. We appreciate the UEA’s support in building the Mohammed bin Zayed International Mangrove Research Center in Indonesia


Second, trade barriers are not efforts to tackle climate change. The two can advance side by side and it is important to build trust and collaboration between the Global North and the Global Souths, also encourage the sustainable development of developing countries.


Third, continuing to promote collaboration. Indonesia has initiated trilateral forestry cooperation between Indonesia, Brazil, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. and we are also ready to share our experience and knowledge in the forest and land management.


Let us manage forests that are pro-environment, pro-development, and people center.
Thank you.

