Remarks at US-ASEAN Business Council (US-ABC) Meeting

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Selasa, 03 Desember 2024
Di baca 169 kali

in State Palace, Jakarta

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, The Honorable Mr. Airlangga Hartarto;
Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Honorable Mr. Sugiono;
Minister for Investment and Downstreaming, The Honorable Mr. Rosan Roslani;
Our Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Teddy Indra Wijaya;
Vice Minister of Finance, Mr. Thomas Djiwandono;
Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo from Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (and Industry);
Ambassador Ted Osius;
President and CEO of the US-ASEAN Business Council and Distinguished Members of the Business Mission of the US-ASEAN Business Council to Indonesia 2024;
Ambassador Kamala Lakhdhir, US Ambassador to Indonesia;
Ambassador Robert Blake;
Ladies and Gentlemen.


First of all, I would like to welcome you, all of you to Indonesia, but most of you are (already) domiciled here, I think.


Thank you for attending this morning meeting.


I think by now most of my programs have already been explained in public. I also have met Ambassador Osius in Washington, D.C., meeting also many members of the US-ASEAN Business Council.


As you know, we have been, my administration has only been active, being in office (for) 44 days. Today is our 44th day. And of this 44 days, (for) 16 days I was traveling.


But I would like to say that I’m, I’m very satisfied with the performance of my administration in these 44 days. Most of the targets that we have set for ourselves are being, are being worked upon. Many of our commitments, we have delivered. And I have to say that I’m very grateful to my team.


Yesterday I had my third full cabinet meeting in 44 days, and I reviewed what we have done in 44 days, and I thanked my team, I thanked my cabinet for their performance.


I was pleasantly surprised. When I came back and my ministers reported what they have done, I think they are working very fast. And I think this is maybe, perhaps this will be one of the defining, perhaps the defining characteristic of our cabinet.


(The meeting is continued with its attendees)


