Pernyataan Pers Bersama, Presiden RI dan Presiden Filipina, Jakarta, 9 September 2016

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Jumat, 09 September 2016
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Presiden Jokowi:

Yang Mulia Presiden Rodrigo Duterte,

Merupakan kehormatan bagi Indonesia menerima kunjungan kenegaraaan Presiden Duterte.

Dan tadi, Presiden Duterte dengan saya baru saja melakukan pertemuan bilateral yang sangat produktif dan bersahabat.

Ada tiga hal yang perlu saya sampaikan.

Yang pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Presiden Duterte terhadap 177 orang calon haji kita yang bermasalah. Dan 168 sudah diselesaikan. Kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Dan yang 9 masih di Manila. Kami tadi juga meminta agar juga dibantu untuk secepatnya bisa diselesaikan.

Yang kedua, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang telah diberikan oleh Pemerintah Filipina, oleh Presiden Duterte atas masalah yang kira-kira ada 700 WNI kita yang sekarang ini sudah berada di Saudi Arabia, menunaikan ibadah haji, tetapi lewat kuota dari Filipina.

Dan tadi, Presiden Duterte juga sudah menyampaikan untuk juga ini bisa diselesaikan bersama-sama.

Sekali lagi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Kemudian yang ketiga, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerja sama dalam menjamin keamanan di Laut Sulu.

Dan kita harapkan, ke depan sudah tidak ada masalah keamanan lagi di Laut Sulu. Dan kita akan bersama-sama berpatroli untuk menjamin keamanan di laut itu.

Saya kira 3 hal itu yang bisa saya sampaikan pada sore hari ini. Dan saya persilakan Presiden Duterte untuk menyampaikan statement-nya.

Presiden Duterte:

Thank you, President.

Your Excellency,

Again I expressed gratitude for your warm welcome and the exceptional arrangements accorded to me and my delegation during my visit to Indonesia.

I am very pleased and honored to be in Jakarta.

The Philippines considers its relations with Indonesia as among the most important. And today, we have taken steps to ensure that those ties remain vibrant and will gain greater depth and new dimensions.

My meeting with President Widodo was very productive and fruitful. We discussed ways of strengthening existing bilateral cooperation and identified new areas of partnership, including maritime security and law enforcement.

We agreed to encourage the earliest and effective implementation of cooperative frameworks to address security issues, which is really the biggest problem of the two countries.

We expressed commitment to take all necessary steps to ensure security in Sulu Sea and maritime areas of common interest.

As two of the largest archipelagos in the world, we recognized the value of maritime cooperation. And we will explore in this area, particularly in human resource development and of course arrangements between aquatic resources expertise and the shipbuilding industry.

We also expressed serious concern over recent developments in the region, including in the South China Sea. We called on parties to respect the rule of law and welcomed the support of partners in efforts to ensure the security and stability of the region, especially to the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law.

We underscored that peace is a necessary condition for growth and progress.

I expressed appreciation for Indonesia’s abiding support for the Philippine Government as we move forward with our peace processes.

We also recognized the value of connectivity in spurring and sustaining growth in our countries.

We discussed ways to boost air and sea connectivity, and how to enhance trade and people-to-people exchanges, to improve the lives, particularly in the area of BIMP-EAGA.

Both sides likewise viewed with grave concern the threat of terrorism and violent extremism. We agreed to work together to prevent, arrest and prosecute all those who seek to sow fear and terror in our societies.

We share the deep concern over the trade in illicit and illegal drugs and its impact on our societies. We will seek ways to intensify cooperation in the campaign against this menace.

We will do our part in contributing to the aim of a drug-free ASEAN Community.

With the President’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2017, I am glad to hear President Widodo’s support for the Philippines.

I look forward to working closely with him on regional initiatives that will strengthen ASEAN.

Certainly, the ties that bind the Philippines and Indonesia are long and enduring. The Philippines holds its relations with Indonesia as one that is truly valued.

Indonesia is not only a friend, but a brother. Indonesia is assured of the Philippines’ commitment to grow these relations in the years to come.

I look forward to reciprocating President Jokowi’s hospitality when he visits the Philippines at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to working closely with my friend and brother.

And may I add to the—just a few minutes, Mr. President. In 1972, there was this problem of oil, and there was almost a crisis and there was rationing of fuel all over, including my country, the Philippines.

I was still a student at that time when I read the assurance of the Indonesian Government, that not to worry if no oil would get to us by way of the Middle East. And they said that, “You Filipinos will be supported by the Indonesians. You will have your oil and gasoline.”

For that, I just—as if a light in night—just informed how Indonesians have treated us like a big brother. And we will continue to maintain this valued friendship, Mr. President.

Thank you and I thank the Indonesians.


Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi

Sekretariat Presiden